GLOBAL TRAVEL Humans travel in numbers and at speeds unprecedented in history. Travelers visit remote areas as well as major population centers. Humans may be displaced because of social, economic, or political upheavals or extreme events and environmental disasters. The elimination of spatial and temporal barriers, especially by long-distance air transport, means that humans can [...]Read more
GLOBAL SENIOR The slow and inexorable increase in the number of older individuals, will have a considerable impact on healthcare services. Those over the age of 65 currently travel more frequently and more widely than either their parents or grandparents. Another factor contributing to the problem is the way the globe is now so closely [...]Read more
GLOBAL HEALTH EMERGENCY WHO (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION) NEW REPORT Global health officials are grappling with a “serious lack” of new antibiotics to fight the proliferation of SUPERBUGS. At present, there are a reported 50 new antibiotics in development to treat superbugs- but only a few are classified as treatments that will add value to the [...]Read more