There are many sources of toxins in our world: Toxins can both be external and internal. Pollution is responsible for many external exposures. Industrial pollution, unsafe water, exposure to cleaning supplies, perfume or cigarette chemicals and smoke. Exposure to any of these can cause a variety of health problems including compromising your immune system. Other [...]Read more
The price we pay for the affluence and plenty of contemporary life is a constant barrage of potentially dangerous chemicals in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Our modern pace of life, with tremendous stress and pressure, and lack of time for peaceful reflection leaves us all in [...]Read more
Symptoms of the body battling against bacterial and viral invaders would be a welcome sign, where those symptoms not so painful and irritating. It may be some consolation to know that fever is a sign that the body is ‘feverishly’ manufacturing white blood cells to counter-attack the invaders, and it may be comforting to soothe [...]Read more