Then when you were younger? Does it take you longer to feel good again?

If you find yourself taking more than your fair share of sick days, or you are constantly fighting fatigue and stress, your immune system may need a boost.
Even in a healthy state, our bodies are continually fighting bacteria, viruses, and illnesses.
A strong immune system will keep our bodies healthy and fit as well as fight the signs of aging.
Not only does our physical health benefit from a strong immune system, but our mental health does too, A healthy immune system improves cognitive function which has an overall physical effect on our mood and memory.
When we are sick, tired and stressed, these are signs that our immune system has been compromised and needs attention.
Your body’s defense system-tends to get weaker with age.
Your immune system doesn’t work as well as it used to.
BUT FEAR NOT – at least not much.
No matter how old you are, there’s a lot you can do to stay healthy.

WellPoint Nutraceuticals Imun Rx and Wellpoint Lifeforce are formulated to enhance and support the immune system.

Compared to many other bodily functions, most people’s immune system does great at any age.
There’s no set age when immunity decreases.
It’s like grey hair – it happens for everyone at a different rate.

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