Caralluma Fimbriata Extract (Caralluma Adscendens),Gymnema Extract (Gymnema Sylvestre), Chickweed Extract (Stellaria Media), Black Pepper Extract (Piper Nigrum)

OBESITY – IT’S NOT A MATTER OF LACK OF WILLPOWER. There is a real physiological reason why you gain weight and can’t lose it.  NOT overeating, NOT lack of willpower, but the metabolic trap known as HYPERINSULISM.  The “obesity” phenomenon is centered in the ENDOCRINE   (hormonal) system.



Drosera (Sundew) (Drosera Rotundifolia, Extract), Ginkgo Biloba (Leaves, Extract), Horehound (Marrubium Vulgare, Extract), Astragalus (Astragalus Membranaceus)

Can IMPROVE ASTHMA, ALLERGIES AND COPD SYMPTOMS. Has the ability to reduce inflammation caused by various conditions. Improves circulation and heart health. Can also treat headaches and migraines.



Rhodiola Extract (Rhodiola Rosea), Astragalus Extract (Astragalus Membranaceus), Holy Basil Extract (Ocimum Tenuiflorum), Passion Flower Extract (Passiflora Incarnata)

STRESS is any change in the environment that requires your body to react and adjust in response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part of life. Many events happen to you and around you. You can experience good or bad forms of stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts. The key is to focus on incorporating adaptogenic herbs to help you cope and manage these stresses in a positive manner.



Marshmallow Extract (Althea Officinalis), Lemon Balm Extract (Melissa Officinalis), Tumeric Extract (Curcuma Longa), Ginger Root Extract (Zingiber Officinale)

The DIGESTIVE SYSTEM is dedicated to breaking down food and allowing its nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream, from where they are carried to every part of the body. This system is subject to a variety of problems and  it is important that it is functioning well for the health of the whole body. The VITAL DIGEST herbal formulation can help improve the function of the digestive system, each digestive herb has a unique purpose in digestive health and detoxification support.



Devil’s Claw Extract (Harpagophytum Procumbens), Boswellia Extract (Boswellia Serrata), Bromelain

If you have a toothache, backache, or any other type of pain, your first impulse may be to reach for a pill. Many people rely on medications, but they come with the risk of side effects, drug interactions, and habitual use or addiction. If you are living with pain, adding natural pain killers to your regimen may help to EASE YOUR DISCOMFORT, especially when combined with regular exercise, diet, and the practice of relaxation techniques.



Maca Extract (Lepidium Meyenii), Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Citrulline Extract (Citrullus Vulgaris), Beet Root Powder (Beta Vulgaris)

Eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep are the best ways to maintain your NATURAL ENERGY. But these things are not always possible, especially when balancing the demands of life.



He Shou Wu, (Polygonum Multiflorum, Root Extract), Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense, Above Ground Parts, Extract), Burdock (Arctium Lappa) (Root Extract), Tumeric (Curcuma Longa, Root Extract)

SUPPORTS HEALTHY HAIR, SKIN AND NAILS. Treats skin conditions like acne, psoriasis and eczema and psoriasis. Anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Stimulates circulation.



Glucosamine Sulphate KCL, (Shellfish-Free)* (Sodium Free)*, MSM (Methyl Sulphynol Methane) Chrondroitin Sulfate, Hyaluronic Acid (HA), Curcumin (Curcuma Longa, 95% Standardized Extract) (Curcuminoid Complex)

“I HURT EVERYWHERE”.  PAIN is the symptom that drives more people to seek medical attention than any other.  For the usual aches and pains that affect most people, natural remedies may do the trick.


Kelly Nolan, Pharmacist, for over 30 years, is a highly respected Women’s’ Health Expert and the Best-Selling Author, of “Restore Your Life: Powerful Life Strategies to Navigate Menopause”.

Due to the success of her #1 Book,  she has been reaching a much broader audience across Canada and the US, both virtually and during live presentations.

Her book also created the platform for the Avita Hormone Certification Program. A six week program to certify life-coaches, health care practitioners and trainers as Hormone Specialists to further increase her reach out to men and women across Canada and the US. Offering a service to increase revenue stream and better serve the clients needs.

Kelly is the Founder And CEO of Avita Integrative Health, providing women and men with a full range of hormonal and other treatments, utilizing concentrated natural supplements at therapeutic dosing by marrying the Saliva Hormone Test and a health assessment.. As a Functional Medicine Practitioner, she incorporates professional grade supplements, formulated by WellPoint Canada Nutraceuticals providing a tailored program to support their hormonal imbalance and other health concerns.

Her extensive specialized training in Saliva Hormone Testing provides women and men with a powerful tool to accurately guide them in their journey to attaining and optimizing good health.

Kelly’s expertise has become an attraction to the Fitness World and the community of canfitprro. She has been invited back for a second year to present at their Global Conference at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre:  

Kelly is the Executive Director of Functional Medicine for Wellpoint Canada Nutraceutical Division

Due to Kelly’s extensive knowledge of Functional Medicine and the success supporting her client’s health with multi-targeted programs, formulated by WellPoint Canada, she has been appointed Vice-President of Marketing & Distribution for Canada.

For more information on Kelly please visit:

VIP Hormone Certification Special Promotion

WELLPOINT NUTRACEUTICALS is an established private company whose fundamental purpose and focus is on formulating and developing proprietary Herbal Medicinals focusing on supporting optimal Health and Wellness.

WELLPOINT NUTRACEUTICALS formulations have been time tested, and refined to offer the very best quality professional herbal medicinals. All of our products are formulated and manufactured in Canada, under the strict standards mandated by Health Canada. All of our products are authenticated by DuPont Anti- Counterfeit and Authentication security to ensure our customers are able to verify that the product is formulated and manufactured in Canada by WELLPOINT.

Our manufacturing facility is GMP certified by Health Canada. Other certifications include NSF International (The Public Health & Safety Organization), NSF-GMP for Sport Certification, GMP requirements in NSF/ANSI Standard 173, Section 8: Dietary Supplements, Health Canada NHPD site licensed with ITC (International Trade Certificates).

Our Research and Quality Team all work closely together to deliver Quality Herbal Medicinal formulations to our customers.

WELLPOINT NUTRACEUTICALS conducts business based on operational excellence, integrity, transparency, mutual respect and collaboration.



In recent years, there has been an escalating public focus on improving wellness and the quality of life, as well as an increasingly pro-active approach with respect to disease prevention.

Consumers are taking responsibility for their own health. Due to the increasing media coverage on health issues, they are typically well informed, even before they enter the pharmacy or health food store.

Consumers are looking for all possible options for treatment, especially since the highest usage of herbs and other natural health products, are for conditions for which there are no “cures”. Patients with colds, flu, joint pains, depression, insomnia as well as PMS and menopausal symptoms, concerns with aging and the problems associated with aging, are among the highest consumers of herbal supplements, and other natural health products.

Natural Medicine and Natural Health Products should be incorporated into any health care regime with the assistance and guidance of a health care professional. Pharmacists are the most readily accessible health care professionals in a client’s health care team. Pharmacists need to be trained in the use of herbs and all-natural health products, to fulfill the expectation and the needs of their client base.

Pharmacists are already trained to counsel clients on prescription drug use. Pharmacists are specialized and have exceptional knowledge in herb-drug, herb-herb and herb-disease interactions.

In the very near future, a Pharmacy will provide the client with access to Pharmacists and other highly trained Health Care Practitioners, in an ‘in-house’ Integrative Wellness Centre. These health professionals will be specifically trained in integrating natural, professionally formulated Natural Health Products; along with the client’s conventional treatment plan. The Pharmacy that provides this service will be in a better position to attract clients from other pharmacy outlets that are not able to provide this highly sought out service.

WellPoint Global Health Integrative Wellness Centres are able to work with Pharmacies to incorporate this highly profitable concept into their existing model.

Why would Pharmacies want to work with WellPoint Global Health Integrative Wellness Institute/Centres?

1) All training and professional products are research based and developed through years of research by Health Care Professionals. (See Executive Summary).

2) Corporate provides an exclusive professional product line not available in Health Food Stores or Pharmacies.

3) Product line is sold by ‘in-house’ consultation only, providing an excellent business opportunity/income for Pharmacists and Pharmacy owners.

4) On-going training and support is provided to all Pharmacists and Health Care Professionals by Corporate.

5) Corporate believes in providing the client with access to information on Integrative Health and Nutrition. This information is research-based and provided by highly trained certified consultants and health care professionals. This ensures a high standard of service to the community.

Pharmaceutical Drugs are necessary for many people. With the addition of the WellPoint Global Health Integrative Wellness Centre section, the Pharmacy owner will create a natural, integrative approach in creating an environment to care for the whole person.

Find Relief and Finally Get Your Life Back
– WITHOUT Damaging Side Effects

“I started to take WellPoint formulations about nine years ago. I have suffered most of my life with autoimmune deficiencies, my immune system would crash frequently and I was always feeling ill and weak. My energy suffered, my digestion was very bad and I kept on getting back to back skin rashes of eczema that I could never really heal from.  I was literally at my wits end! The stress I felt was unbearable. My entire quality of life suffered. I tried many different things that would sometimes help for a little while but never long term. Then I discovered WellPoint and thought that I would give it a try, I had nothing else to lose at this point. After I began my program and started to follow the nutritional advice I was given it only took a few days before I started to feel better, bit by bit I felt more and more better. I couldn’t believe it myself. My skin cleared up and stayed clear, I began to feel more energy and sleep better and my digestion improved significantly…no more bloating and indigestion. I cannot see my life without WellPoint products, they are truly life savers! Thank you so much WellPoint for giving me back the quality of life I thought I would never get back.” Carlos E. 

“I used to take so many different supplements in order to feel better. It was frustrating trying to figure out what I needed and when and how to take it all. I didn’t want to do more damage to my health then help it. But then I found WellPoint and after asking them for help I’ve never looked back. They’re really there to help you and guide you…I always felt well taken care of. I feel so much better now! No more handfuls of pills to take, no more bottles to carry around wherever I go. I’m saving loads of money too!” Leslie. H. 

“I’ve been taking Lifeforce and Imun RX for about four months now and all I can say is wow…I feel great. I definitely have more energy and just feel great. No more ‘brain fog’ no more dragging myself around or relying on coffee or sugary things to give me the energy I desperately needed to get through the day.” Melissa B.

“Been searching for a quality product for quite a while now; by the time I came across Lifeforce I was a little skeptical but low and behold it really works. I’m trying to live a healthy lifestyle and I’m so glad that I found this product to add to the things I usually do to stay in good health.” Grant L.

“I never knew what it was like to not live with the daily aches and pains that I woke up with every single morning. After a week or so I noticed that I felt so much better, I could move again without cringing in pain or wanting to reach for a pain med for relief. I love this stuff!” Philip A.

“Lifeforce is a superb product. I’ve recommended it to some family members and they feel the same as I do so it must be doing something right.” Geoffrey H.

“I was seriously at my wits end. I’ve suffered with rheumatoid arthritis and a very weak immune system for years. If there was a cold or flu going around I would always catch it. I knew that before long I would feel more and more worse if I didn’t come up with a way to get my health back on track. Since taking Lifeforce I can genuinely say that it has really improved my life. I feel better and to some I seem to look better too. Lol!” Renata C.


Health practitioners and professionals today recognize the need to rid the body of the harmful effects of stress, lifestyle, and toxins in food, air, water and pharmaceuticals products. They recognize that detoxification alone will not remove these harmful substances. Herbal/nutritional detoxification gives the body a rest from toxins, and provides the foundation on which health can be rebuilt.

Integrative Health and Wellness programs provide multi-disciplinary approaches to personal health care that are based on a patient/client/practitioner partnership. They take into account traditional medicine and drug therapies, and include managing and off-setting the side effects of pharmaceuticals. Personalized detoxification can be integrated and adapted to individual lifestyles.


We are all under toxic stress. Our food supplies are toxic. Our soil, water and air are polluted and contaminated. Pollution is a fact of life, and as our governments and business show a continued reluctance to clean up after themselves, it seems inevitable that our situation can only worsen. The new millennium also causes increased levels of stress and anxiety over the future. It is anticipated that humankind’s interest in personal health and nutrition will escalate in the coming years. Striving for balance in life, and in health, will direct people to the use of herbal combinations formulated by the WellPoint Group of Companies. The validity of herbal nutrition has been evident to many for thousands of years. Today, however, that validity also requires scientific verification.